Free Contraception Services


Free Contraception Services ages 17-31 years

GP Visit and Medication is now Free (valid PPS number is required)

Make an appointment with one of our GPs to discuss your options for contraception. If you are aged 17-31, you do not have to pay for your GP visit or any prescriptions you get. You do not need a medical card to access this service.

​​To access free contraception you need to be:

  • a woman or person with a uterus  

  • aged between 17 to 31

  • living in Ireland

Your information

You will need to give us your PPS number, name, date of birth and address. We need this to make sure that you are in the 17 to 26 age group covered by the free contraception service. You will also need to present your PPSN in the pharmacy when you collect your prescription.

Please Note: All requests under this scheme must be In-Person now as per HSE requirements

  • Pill Check Up - Annual review

  • Pill Renewal - 6 monthly

  • Mirena Coil - discussion/insertion/removal

  • Implanon- discussion/insertion/removal

  • Ballerine Coil - discussion/insertion/removal